Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Real-Life Hero; The life and Legacy of Pat Tillman

I was extremely moved and inspired upon recently reading two books about Pat Tillman. "Where Men Win Glory" by Jon Krakauer and then "Boots on the Ground by Dusk" by Mary Tillman (Pat's incredible mother). I am 29 1/2 years old now and have never been a very focused or driven person, however this last year has been one of tremendous personal growth. I traveled abroad for 5 months last year in developing nations and that really opened my eyes to life beyond our country. Then i read these books and learned about this amazing guy, Pat Tillman. He made a big difference in the lives of many, and most of all he lived his life to the fullest. He is inspiring me daily to do the same. I'm starting by working out every other day, and pushing my body harder than i ever have. It had been over 10 years since i worked out. I feel stronger then ever, both physically and mentally.
And now i am pursuing a new career in line with my values. I want to help take care of the earth full time. For me that means taking this year to learn more about organic farming. Pat's legacy is a constant source of fuel to keep me going and make my goals come true, and to always think positive. Thank you most of all to him and secondly to those who brought his whole story to the public. I encourage every one to read up about Pat. And most of all to never give up. As Pat might say, if it's not hard its not worth doing.

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